Wrapper: San Andres Tatanka Cigar Company Tatanka cigars were born from an extensive search to find the ultimate cigar that captures the exceptional standards or quality and taste of Rocky Mountain Liquor Owner Ken Weinheimer tasted and tested hundreds of different cigar blends before settling on a full-bodied, medium-strength cigar that satisfies the most discerning palate. Rolled Entubar (a Cuban technique found in cigars twice the price) in one of the most awarded cigar factories, Tatanka Cigars offer a sophisticated and exceptional value presented in unique Montana packaging. Smoke this robust Rocky Mountain Liquor exclusive that brings out the best of Montana! Initial Appearance Oily Wrapper, with closed foot. A Firm, well-packed cigar with a perfect, desirable draw. Tasting Notes A underlining sweetness of chocolate and nutmeg. A medium bodied cigar that transitions to a spicy nut flavor. A complex flavor bomb Finish A soothing subtle taste of pepper, chocolate, coffee, and leather |